Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The rise of Enron took ten years, and the fall only took...
The rise of Enron took ten years, and the fall only took twenty days. Enron’s fall cost its investors $35,948,344,993.501, and forced the government to intervene by passing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) 2 in 2002. SOX was put in place as a safeguard against fraud by making executives personally responsible for any fraudulent activity, as well as making audits and financial checks more frequent and rigorous. As a result, SOX allows investors to feel more at ease, knowing that it is highly unlikely something like the Enron scandal will occur again. SOX is a protective act that is greatly beneficial to corporate America and to its investors. Enron was formed following a merger between two natural gas companies in 1985, Houston Natural Gas and†¦show more content†¦However, Enron did not stop there. Enron continued to find new ways, and innovations to get ahead in the competitive market place. Skilling decided it best to invest in many companies and support their research in exchange for most a percentage of the profit the companies made through their idea. Clearway9 was one of the companies that Enron invested in and paid two million dollars quarterly to support. Clearway’s new idea that had Enron interested was its plan to turn bandwidth a commodity. The internet during the time of 1990’s and early 2000’s was a rapidly expanding venture. Though, the amount of bandwidth supplied to households and companies computers was not nearly enough, and was growing thinner as more and more people accessed the internet.10 Clearway had an idea to set up HUBs all over the country, and sell their bandwidth to homes and companies, which was significantly faster. Enron decided to contact Clearway and make a contract to support the company, in exchange for a percentage of its profits. Chris Ricci11 was Clearway’s general counsel and head/vice president of human resources, also the one sent to negotiate the contract with Enron. Chris Ricci, while speaking with Enron executives in a conference room, stated that he did not understand the business layout, â€Å"When I was negotiating the investment deal for Clearway, I sat across from various senior executives from Enron, and when I asked about their business model, I could notShow MoreRelatedHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words  | 299 Pagesacross border s, the engine of innovation is ignited, prosperity is fueled and the energy available to everyone inc reases. At the same tim balancing the needs of e, producers and consum ers is as crucial as increa sing supply and curbin g demand. Only then wil l the world enjoy e nergy peace-of-mind. Succeeding in securing energy for everyone doe sn’t have to come at the exp ens start to think differently e of anyone. Once we all about energy, then we can truly make this promise a reality. $15Read MoreMerger and Acquisition: Current Issues115629 Words  | 463 PagesRaymond Thà ©oret and Franà §ois-Éric Racicot 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Introduction The structures of the two merged banks The new merged bank A low P/E ratio for the stock of national bank Conclusion 42 42 43 50 53 54 5 Corporate Diversification: The Costs and Benefits of Synergy Felipe Balmaceda 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Introduction Related literature The model The analysis Robustness Conclusion 56 56 58 60 64 67 73 6 The Influence of MAs on Firm Value: The Turkish Experience M. Nihat SolakogRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 PagesTransformational/Transactional Leadership . . . . . . . 332 Situational or Contingency Models of Leadership . . . . . 332 Fiedler’s Leadership Contingency Model . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Path-Goal Theory of Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Leadership in the Twenty-First Century . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 The Leadership Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Developing Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 15â€â€Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesUniversity, UK McAuley et al. provide a highly readable account of ideas, perspectives and practices of organization. By thoroughly explaining, analyzing and exploring organization theory the book increases the understanding of a field that in recent years has become ever more fragmented. Organization theory is central t o managing, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate
Monday, December 16, 2019
Price Hike in Bangladesh Free Essays
ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh| March 4 2010 | Prepared For-Kaikobad Rana Sir| Submitted By-Overcome Group| Group Members Of Overcome- * Group Leader- MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury ID-082011013, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Administrator- Riad Morshed Chowdhury ID-082011012, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Researcher- A. F. M Maruf Rahman ID-082011035, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Members- MD Rafiqul Islam ID-082011022, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Atiqur Rahman ID-082011017, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Mostafizur Rahman ID-082011282, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Rashedul Hasan ID-082011008, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Nishat Ahmed ID-082011009, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Lubna Ahmed Luna ID-082011040, Sec-A, 3rd Semester 4th March, 2010 Kaikobad Rana Lecturer Department of Fashion Design Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology Lalmatia, Dhaka. We will write a custom essay sample on Price Hike in Bangladesh or any similar topic only for you Order Now Subject: Submission of Term Paper. Sir, As the course requirement of DES-102, we were assigned to do a job regarding the topic of Price Hike. We have provided our best effort to complete our tasks according to the requirements. We tried to complete our tasks by doing different research works and from our limited knowledge. It is a matter of great pleasure for us to present the report on time. We will very glad if the report can fulfill its purpose. Thank you, Sincerely yours MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury Riad Morshed Chowdhury A. F. M Maruf Rahman MD Rafiqul Islam Atiqur Rahman Mostafizur Rahman Rashedul Hasan Nishat Ahmed Lubna Ahmed Luna ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First we want to thanks our faculty who give me this opportunity to do this research. Who helped and guided me to do this research accurately. Secondly we want to thanks Kaikobad Rana Sir for his uncondetional support. I also want to thanks all the people who participate in our survey. And my entire friend circle. And last but not lest my God. Thank you. ABSTRACT THE MAIN REASONS AND PUBLIC’S REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh We choose this topic â€Å"THE MAIN REASONS AND PUBLIC’S REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh†because recently the price hiking problem has become the main social problem in Bangladesh. People are suffering most in this problem now specially the poor people. There are many reasons behind this problem. But we think formation of syndicate and corruption is the main reason behind this. But international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh. And the rate of this price hike is very fast. Even the military back Government was failed to solve this problem. They were not able to find the root behind this problem due to lack of appropriate monitoring system. But just the Government can solve this problem by using his intelligence agency, by introducing effective monitoring system, by improving law amp; order and by identifying the evil syndicate groups. But it is not a very easy job. The support of general public is also needed to solve this problem. FINDING The main reasons behind this problem: The prices of commodities are almost uniform across the capital, which only implies that a group of people are fixing the prices and that they have enough clout in the market to be able to decide what the prices should be. * Corruption of so called political leaders, corruption of different Government officials and law enforcing agency is the main reason behind this problem. We can solve this problem by taking the following measures. * Identify the syndicate groups. * By improvin g law and order. * By framing appropriate laws by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. By introducing effective monitoring system. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE| PAGE NUMBER| | | INTRODUCTION| 6| RESEARCH AREA| 7| HYPOTHESIS| 13| METHODOLOGY| 14| DATA PRESENTATION| 15| DATA ANALYSIS| 16| LIMITATION| 28| CONCLUSION| 29| RECOMMENDATION| 30| PUBLIC’S RECOMMENDATION| 31| REFERENCE LIST| 32| INTRODUCTION With the price increase of essentials capturing headlines of our national newspapers and TVs almost everyday. Because this price hiking problem has become the main social problem in Bangladesh. People are suffering most in this problem specially the poor peoples. There are many reasons behind this problem. According to The finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Al-Muhit, â€Å"international price hike of essential necessities as being responsible for high domestic prices. †Of course, international market price is also responsible for domestic inflation, but only partially. The ministers’s statement simply ignored other domestic factors, many of which created by the action by the Government, and also some of which created by the previous government. According to our study we identify some supply-side factors as being responsible, such as hoarding, and loss of business confidence, administered energy price hike, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. corruption of so called political leaders and different government officials etc are also responsible for this problem. And if the food price is not controlled, the inflation rate may reach double-digit level very soon which is currently 7. 5%. In our research paper we tried to figure out these reasons. And we tried to find some solution about this problem. we also tried to figure out the bad effects of this problem. we hope by reading this paper the readers will able to figure out the main reasons behind this problem and also able to reduce or solve this problem. RESEARCH AREA In our proposal paper our had mentioned some question at which point we did like to investigate to prove our hypothesis. Our question were gt; What is the main reason behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh? gt; Is corruption and local syndicate only responsible about this price hike? gt; What should be the role of government to reduce this price hike? gt; How can we solve it? Obviously formation of syndicate and hoarding by them, corruption, power failure, traffic fames and load-shading, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. according to Ahmed. T. (2009), the oil crisis of 1973, when oil prices increased in expo nential proportions, was not so much due to shortage of oil supply as it was due to the decision of the major oil exporters, Arab states, to increase the prices. It was not that oil reserves had suddenly sunk through the floor or that its demand had shot through the ceiling. In strictly economic terms, a handful of oil exporters were in collusion, which led to dramatic increases in global oil prices. The entire western world was affected and the sudden price hike resulted in a long-term recession ending decades of economic boom. It was also the first time that the United States faced an oil shortage since the Second World War. The Arab states had succeeded in their intent to use oil as a weapon against those not friendly to their cause. It is perhaps a classic example of collusive oligopoly. The situation in the current-day Dhaka markets is similar except that the collusion does not concern one item but several ~ mostly such essential food items as rice, wheat, potatoes, lentils, edible oil, onions and milk powder. According to a report in Amar Desh (May 11, 2009), prices of essential food items have increased 25 per cent on an average in the past four months. According to a report in New Age (May 11, 2009), prices rose between five and 50 per cent during the same period ~ most of it under the military-backed interim government of Fakhruddin Ahmed that assumed office after the proclamation of a state of emergency on January 11. According to the government’s own statistics, inflation increased from just fewer than six per cent in January this year to almost 7. 5 per cent by March. While the government appears to be in denial suggesting that inflation is not really out of control and quite below the danger level, experts fear that it might, in fact, have crossed the double-digit mark driven by the soaring food prices. According to SLATE magazine (2009), about our very own mafia groups that group has come to be known, and often referred to in the media, as the syndicate. Despite the fact that academics, researchers and even politicians have acknowledged such collusion, its existence is denied upfront, both by government officials and businesspeople, in a manner that can be likened to that regarding the mafia. For the longest time, the existence of the mafia, or rather Cosa Nostra, was denied by insiders as well as government officials till misconceptions and myths were laid to rest by, what came to be known as, the Maxi Trial in a court in Sicily over a hundred years after its existence was officially reported. As for the syndicate, it has proved to be invincible and even immune to a state of emergency, which has not been able to curb It’s potential for collusion and thereby manipulation of the prices. The tenure of the BNP-Jamaat alliance government saw two changes of commerce ministers, each given the sack for the same reason, while the last one had utterly failed in his pledge to rein in the prices of essentials. The invincibility of the syndicate was perhaps never felt with such force as it was on July 25, 2006 at a monthly luncheon meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh. The third commerce minister of the last government, Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, squarely put the responsibility of controlling the prices of essentials on other ministries and went so far as to suggest that the government should set up another ministry for the Task. „The Consumer Protection Act is being scrutinized now and I have urged the food ministry to make anti-hoarding laws for checking unscrupulous trader’s syndicates and hoarders,†he said. He also suggested that the finance and food Ministries were better equipped to tackle the matter. It was just three months after Hafiz had taken up his new portfolio on April 26 with the pledge to reduce prices of essentials within a month. Barely a week earlier, at a meeting with businesspeople at his office, he assumed a dramatically different tone and harped on a different note, although, even then, it was obvious that his success in bringing down the prices of essentials was at the mercy of the businesspeople. On July 19, Hafiz announced to the press ~ following the meeting ~ that the intelligence agencies had identified the members of the syndicate „who were involved in manipulating prices through hoarding and other means. But he only â€Å"hoped that the relevant ministry would take Necessary action. His comments about the meeting betrayed his helplessness and utter Inability to hold sway over the businessmen. „They have given us assurance that they will not make any windfall profit by making the people hostage, said Hafiz about the traders present at the meeting. With hindsight it appears that the minister did his best to divert attention from the syndicates citing a marked difference of prices between wholesalers and retailers, and the producers and wholesalers that he suggested added to the woes of the people. M Saifur Rahman, then the minister for finance and planning, and perhaps the most influential cabinet member of the BNP-led government, when approached with the possibility of reducing import tariffs on essential food items, told the press, it never paid off. He said the prices would decrease for a short while but resume their rising trend soon after. Instead, he suggested, the syndicates that manipulated the prices were the main reason behind the price hike and had to be dealt with decisively. But government officials deny their existence quite categorically despite overwhelming circumstantial facts that testify exactly the opposite. The commerce secretary was quoted in January as saying they are „yet to receive any conclusive evidence on the existence of syndicates?. He went further to substantiate his claim asking, „When the prices went up everyone was blaming syndicates. But now that they are going down how come everybody is quiet? If there was a syndicate why are the prices coming down? He did partially admit to their existence since former ministers had claimed that syndicates exist. But the rebuff of a prominent businessman, quoted in New Age’s weekend supplement Xtra on January 12, smacks of the classic mafia disclaimer. â€Å"I read about this regularly in newspapers but I have never seen one or been a part of it,†says Mostafa Kamal, chairman of the Meghna Group, one of the leading importers of edible oil, powdered Milk and sugar. â€Å"How, where and when are questions people who accuse us of syndication should answer,†he said. It is alleged that the Meghna Group is among the leading syndicate members in the country. Hossain. E. (2009), programmed officer of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh, echoed the general apprehension. â€Å"I have attended meetings at the commerce ministry where powerful and well-known businessmen have directly threatened government officials with cutting out supply if they did not accept their chosen prices,†he told Xtra. According to the Daily Star (May 18 2009), a report of the Centre for Policy Dialogue, a research organization, based on records of the National Board of Revenue, found that a strong cartel accounted for a substantial share of the imports. The report says the top five importers have accounted for importing 96 per cent raw sugar, 46 per cent refined sugar, 67 per cent crude soybean oil, 60 per cent crude palm oil, 49 per cent wheat, 37 per cent rice, 31 per cent lentil, and 31 per cent onion of national imports till March of this fiscal year. While the report did not mention any names, a number of reports in other newspapers have done so. For instance, according to a report of Amar Desh (May 11, 2009) the TK Group, the Meghna Group and the City Group account for 65 per cent of edible oil imports. The next three ~ the SA Group, the MEB Group and the Marine Group ~ account for another 25 per cent of the imports. Quoting sources, the report says traders of Dhaka and Chittagong are the major importers of lentils, ginger, garlic and other essentials that come from India. It goes on to mention the names of Shathi Enterprise, Seven Star and Banijjya Bhandar from Dhaka, Rumpa Enterprise of Bogura, Pahari Enterprise, AB Trading and Akhter Impex of Chittagong as significant market players. When the country is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factorâ€â€the price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200! There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg! It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials. Similarly other factors such as power failure, international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc factors are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh. By taking serious action and frame effective laws for the elimination of the middle men groups existing various trading circles and to control bribery in between law enforcing agencies and traders. By minimize the traffic jams and load shadings. By forming a strong co-ordination efforts and monitoring system, established for the cooperation, co-ordination and exchange of information in between different Government officials entrusted to check price level. By identifying syndicate groups and taking appropriate action against them. The Government can control the price. By creating awareness against corruption and establish a price list for all kinds of goods to control price hike. And by electing an honest and stable Government, the general people can solve this problem. HYPOTHESIS There are many reasons behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh. But we think formation of syndicate and corruption is the main reason behind this. But international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh. And the rate of this price hike is very fast. Even the military back Government was failed to solve this problem. They were not able to find the root behind this problem due to lack of appropriate monitoring system. But just the Government can solve this problem by using his intelligence agency, by introducing effective monitoring system, by improving law amp; order and by identifying the evil syndicate groups. But it is not a very easy job. The support of general public is also needed to solve this problem. METHODOLOGY There are two types of data in my research paper. . Primary Data. amp; 2. Secondary Data Primary Data:- We have collected my primary data to figure out the mail reasons and public’s reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh by conducting a survey on 30 general people. To do that survey first we had prepared some questions and some suitable answer against each question. After that we went out for general people to conduct our survey. The shopkeepers, doctor s, teachers, tailors, chemists, retired peoples, servants, housewives and students were the people who were participate in our survey. We have had some difficulties to conduct our survey. We had very little time to conduct this survey. Within this short period of time we had to find 30 peoples of different classes. People of all class were participating in our survey. Some of them did not know hoe to write and read. We had to read and translated my question for them. After knowing there answers we filled the answers for them. Thus we completed our survey to get our primary data. Secondary Data:- We have collected my secondary data mostly from different websites such as â€Å"www. vjel. org, www. unnayan. rg†etc, different newspaper such as â€Å"The daily star, The New Age†etc, and from different magazines. DATA PRESENTATION CAPTION: A survey has been taken of 30 people for the topic of â€Å"The main reasons and public’s reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh. Question No. | Option A| Option B| Option C| Option D| 1| 63%| 40%| 0%| 6. 67%| 2| 48. 67%| 23. 33%| 20%| *| 3| 83. 33%| 3. 3 3%| 13. 33%| *| 4| 43. 33%| 43. 33%| 13. 33%| *| 5| 20%| 63. 33%| 16. 67%| *| 6| 30%| 30%| 46. 67%| *| 7| 53%| 16. 67%| 10%| *| 8| 3. 33%| 16. 67%| 46. 67%| 26. 67%| 9| 13. 33%| 26. 67%| 50%| *| 10| 36. 7%| 30%| 26. 67%| *| 11| 53%| 10%| 26. 67%| *| 12| 66. 67%| 20%| 3. 33%| *| 13| 46. 67%| 10%| 33. 33%| 16. 67%| 14| 10%| 53%| 0%| 46. 67%| 15| 36. 67%| 46. 67%| 23. 33%| *| TABLE: THE SURVEY RESULT DATA ANALYSIS Recently we have done a survey for about 30 people to find the main reasons behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh. For this survey we prepared a set of question consisting of 16 questions. According to Our survey here we analysis some of the important questions from my questioner. Question No: 1| A| B| C| D| What do you think aboutthe main reason behindthis recent price hike? Formation of Syndicates| Corruption| Extortion| Taking bribe from traders| Chart 1: The survey result of question no: 1 Question No: 2| A| B| C| Do you thinkthereis any Syndicate groupsinvolved in price hike? | Yes, because the governmentCan’t control the price. | No, there is no syndicate groups exist| May be, not sure| Chart 2: The survey result of question no: 2 According to my survey, in reply of my first question 63% people said formation of Syndicates is the main reason behind this recent price hike. While 40% people said corruption is the main reason behind this. In reply of my second question 83. 33% people said syndicate groups are involved in price hike because the government can? t control the price. In my survey most of the people think the syndicate groups are mainly responsible for this problem. These syndicate groups controlling the price by hoarding. Hoarding by businesses has been widely blamed by many as being main culprit behind the current crisis. Indeed, if we let aside moral issues, hoarding markets perfect economic sense to businesses and that is why they build up stocks to make larger profits. For example suppose the current market price of a NOKIA 1202 mobile phone is TK 1800. Now let us assume that for some unknown reasons, the price of the same brand mobile is expected or any mobile phone dealer in the market sell NOKIA 1202 at the lower price now or wait to sell at the higher price a month later? What would happen to the current market price of NOKIA 1202, if most dealers hold off selling? This is exactly how inflationary expectation, expectation about future price hike, leads to hoarding, creates shortage, raises current market price and, finally, brings larger profits for businesses. From the above analysis we conclude that the syndicate groups are nothing but a well-known business farms, run by well-known business man. But the syndicates, for all their collusion, manipulation and public denial, are not entirely responsible for the price hike. There are other related factors some of which are compelling, even more than syndication. To begin with, production costs hav e risen and So have the prices. But it gives an impression that the farmers are linked to the market and thereby benefit from the price rises at the consumer end. That is hardly the case. They are paid the bare minimum below which the farmers cannot afford to cultivate crops the next year. And prices at their end have increased only marginally over the years. The real value addition (pun intended) to agricultural produce begins with the middlemen who buy from farmers. Along the supply chain there are warehouses, wholesalers, retailers and micro-retailers often with several more layers of middlemen sandwiched among them. Reports in the media indicate that prices, especially those of vegetables, appreciate by up to 500 per cent between the farmer and the end-consumer. That is how the middleman also controlling the market price. And the Government is not able to identify them, catch them, and even control them. Even the Government has blamed international market price hike of essential commodities as being responsible for high domestic prices to cover their failure. The Government has failed to solve this problem due to the corrupted Government officers and corrupted law enforcing agencies. They are not willing to monitor the market price. They are just willing to take bribe. Again lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers and lack of communication system in between different Upozela and districts head quarters with the capital is also responsible for this recent price hike. Question No: 3| A| B| C| Which political factors are responsible for price hike? | Blockade and strike| Corruption of so called political leaders| Conflict between political parties| Chart 3: The survey result of question no: 3 According to my survey, in reply of my third question, 63. 33% of people said corruption of so called political leaders is the main political factor behind this price hike. And only A B 20% of people said blockade and strike is responsible for this. Political leaders are not actually political leaders. Actually they are political business man. They invest there money to own the party nomination and also own the election. Actually they bought there place in Parliament. After wining the election they start to gain black money as much as they can. And they gain it by corruption. And that’s why the price of essential commodities is increasing day by day. This political don’t care about the general people, they just care about themselves. Even they don’t know how uch black money they have gained by corruption. The current anti-corruption drive by the Caretaker Government clearly shows the statistic how much black money they have gained through corruption. That’s why the corruption of so called political leaders also responsible for recent price hikes. Question No: 4| A| B| C| D| What| Bribe amp; illegal| Traffic| Power failures| L ackof| structuralamp;institutional constraints are mainlyresponsible for thisrecent price hike? | toll collection| congestion| | storage capacity| Chart 4: The survey result of question no: 4 According to my survey, in reply of my forth question 46. 67% people said bribe and illegal toll collection is the main structural amp; institutional constraints that are mainly responsible for this recent price hike. And 33. 33% people said power failure is also responsible for this problem. But I think this both factors are equally responsible for this problem The illegal practices of bribes toll collections and associations greatly influence in raising the price of essential commodities. The traders has to paid toll and bribe at each entering point of a town. And this increases the transportation cost of goods. As a result the price is increases. And the Government has failed to stop this because of the involvement of corrupted law enforcing officers. While the Scarcity increases the opportunity cost of any service and provides opportunities for corruption. The acute shortage of generation capacity and its consequent effects – frequent load-shedding, low voltage and low frequency – on different economic sectors, as well as on essential services such as water supply, hospitals, and telecommunications, have opened up doors for many types of corruption. That is also responsible for this recent price hike. Why that is happening? Because of the corruption of the employee of DESA and PDB. According to the Transparency International Bangladesh (2006), ? A Ledger Keeper in DESA, a very low level employee, became the envy of many when he purchased a house in a middle-income residential area of Dhaka for Tk 3. 8 million and an allotment in a shopping arcade. ? Many Assistant Engineers of BPDB own private cars, which they cannot afford to buy and maintain on their official salary. A particular Assistant Engineer, with close links with the Collective Bargaining Agent, comes to office in a luxury four-wheeler, while another mints money by making various interventions in the name of a minister. ? A meter reader who was placed under suspension joined the ruling political party, got his job bank, became a CBA leader, and is now the happy owner of two houses and a shop. ? A corrupt and overweight meter reader, who employed agents to do his job an d concentrated on eating instead, was transferred from Dhaka to an outstation by an over-zealous DESA officer. Fretting and fuming, the reader came to see a very senior DESA official and told him in no uncertain terms, â€Å"Sir, I have been working for 25 years in one place and nobody dared to touch me. You have not done well by transferring me. I will see how you can move me. †Sure enough, he stayed where he was, with the help of his co-operative union leaders. And due to this corruption load shading occurs frequently, as a result the price of essential goods is increasing rapidly. Question No: 5| A| B| C| Do you think natural disaster, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces are also responsible for recent price hike? Yes| No| Partly responsible| | | | | | | 4 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 30 30| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Chart 5: The survey result of question no: 5 According to our survey, in reply of our fifth question 46. 67% people said natural disaster; street vendors and illegal construction d rive by the joint forces are partly responsible for recent price hike. And equal number of people said yes and no. But we think it is responsible and why? You will find your answer right now. When the country is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factor the price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200! There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg! It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials. And that’s why we think natural disaster is directly responsible for price hike, but the others are partly responsible. Question No: 6| A| B| C| D| How can the| By taking| Identifying the| By improving| By improving| Government| necessary steps| syndicate| traffic| law amp; order| control the price hike? | to stop cross border smuggling of fuel and fertilizer| groups| congestion| | Chart 6: The survey result of question no: 6 According to our survey, most of the people said we can able to control the price by identifying the syndicate groups and by improving law amp; order. If the government framed strong laws to improve the law and order we can able to identify the syndicate groups and also able to control the price of essential goods. To 4. 67 Improve this situation the personals of different law enforcing agencies should immediately be deployed in different trading centers, sea port, river ports, and land ports to check up and down of price level due to hoarding black marketing of essential food grains and other food items. Thus we can improve the current situation. Question No: 7| A| B| C| Which methods can be most applicable toreduce or improve this problem? | By framing appropriate law by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. | By introducing effectivemonitoring system. By re-introducing old rationingsystem by the Government to stable the prices| Chart 7: The survey result of question no: 7 According to our survey, in reply of my seventh question 46. 67% people said by introducing effective monitoring system we can able to reduce this problem. And 36. 67% people said we can solve this problem by framing appropriate law to eliminate middle classes in trading. We are passing through a revolution ary communication and contract system due to the introduction of most modern computer and mobile communication system in our country. It is now very easy for the Government to established scientific monitoring systems and cells to keep constant observation data collection and exchange of information? s about the causes up and down, price level of important food items and essential commodities. According to our survey most of the people said the rate of price hike is quite fast. And the general public’s can help the Government to remove this problem. Most of the people in Bangladesh can afford to meet their family essential commodities, but they said it was very tough. Surprisingly the upper class people are also by price hike. Most of the people agree to that if laws and regulation enforced properly, it is practically possible to reduce this price hike. And the general peoples can also play a big role to solve this problem. LIMITATION We had very little time to do that survey. If we had enough time we may go out of Dhaka to find the poorest people. We want to take the interview of the poorest people. We had also faced lots of obstacles, but after all of these obstacles finally We finished our research paper and we are quite satisfied about it. CONCLUSION Given the scenario in Bangladesh, any measure to control prices, barring one that addresses the syndicates, is bound to be band-aid-like ~ a bit of eyewash. That is perhaps the first area where the government should focus in its bid to reduce the prices of essential items. But it is not possible for the Government to reduce this problem alone. The general people, the mass media everybody should came forward to help the Government to reduce this problem. Other wise the price of essential commodities will increase day by day. And nobody will able to control this problem. How to cite Price Hike in Bangladesh, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Childrens Era Essay free essay sample
The first real step towards the creation of a Children’s Era must lie in providing the conditions of healthy life for children not only before birth but before conception. She compares raising children to raising a garden. She states that if we want to make this world a garden for children, we must learn the lesson of a gardener and so far we have not been gardeners only a silly reception committee. She talks of all the nameless refugees arriving, many unwelcome, unprepared, and without baggage or passports. This is when our reception committee gets thrown in a panic of activity trying to make places for and caring for these refugees. She states that the human weed crop is spreading so fast in the struggle for existence that the committee becomes exhausted, inefficient, and cannot think of a way out of this problem. She believes the way out is to fight for the health and happiness of the unborn child. We will write a custom essay sample on The Childrens Era Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her ideas are to free women from enslavers and unwilling motherhood and that prenatal care is most essential. Her life-long work and crusade was to improve not only the lives of children, but their mothers by providing alternatives to the horrors she had witnessed working in the slums of New York City. The impact of her work finished through the development of the birth control pill. Her legacy is a controversial one but unmistakably the words of a gifted speaker that hold tremendous power. Work Cited Sanger, Margaret. â€Å"The Children’s Era. †American Rhetoric. N. p. , 2009, Web 3 Oct. 2010
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Thomas Paine “The American Crisis†Analysis Essay Essay Example
Thomas Paine â€Å"The American Crisis†Analysis Essay Paper Thomas Paine was celebrated for his political Hagiographas recommending the revolution. His rhetorical papers The American Crisis was really persuasive and influential. Some of Paine’s political thoughts were praised and some were argued. and his positions on faith made him an castaway. The American Crisis was a valuable work informing the American people that they owed no trueness to Britain and would merely last if all ties were to be severed wholly. His authorship was a major force behind the American Revolution. Paine had such a manner with words that he used three different techniques in his rhetorical papers to name Forth the support and nationalism of the settlers: comparison and contrasting. derision. and confidence-building. Paine’s authorship was meant to arouse indignation and support from the settlers. and to acquire them to contend for their freedom. by utilizing comparing and contrasting techniques. He wrote â€Å"†¦to suppose that He has relinquishe d the authorities of the universe. and given us up to the attention of devils†. which compared the British monarchy to Satans and showed Americans that the British were morally corrupt. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Paine â€Å"The American Crisis†Analysis Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Paine â€Å"The American Crisis†Analysis Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Paine â€Å"The American Crisis†Analysis Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Paine so equated freedom with overall contentment when he wrote â€Å"I am as confident. as I am that God governs the universe. that America will neer be happy till she gets clear of foreign rule. †He explained to the American settlers that they will neer be content until they rid themselves of the British. He reasoned with the settlers that because freedom peers felicity. they finally desired freedom. Paine got the point across without leaping around the issue or talking shyly about their state of affairs at that clip. Paine besides used derision to acquire support from the settlers. He ridiculed those who would curse commitment to Britain. or give in to them out of fright and cowardliness. He showed a great trade of brotherlike love and regard to the 1s who would stand up and battle for their cause. but wholly destroys any last scintillas of unity a coward would still hold when he said â€Å"The bosom that feels non now is dead ; the blood of his kids will cuss his cowardl iness. who shrinks back at a clip when a small might hold saved the whole. and made them happy. †Paine did non halt at that place. Alternatively. he went on to roast non merely the British authorities. but the really king himself. He called the male monarch â€Å"a common liquidator. a highjacker. or a house-breaker. †If the earnestness of his papers did non hit place with the settlers. it decidedly did when he made that statement. That was non something anybody would make in those yearss because roasting the British throne would be your life. If that was non plenty. he continued to murder the character of the male monarch by naming him â€Å"a sottish. stupid. stubborn. worthless. beastly adult male. †Paine non merely ridiculed the throne. but defiled it wholly. Pain used another technique to derive the support and nationalism of his fellow countrymen. even George Washington. by utilizing confidence-building techniques. He reminded the settlers that it was their responsibility to stand up for those who can non themselves. and gave them another ground to arise ag ainst the British. In this instance. it isn’t the hapless or socially incapacitated he campaigned on behalf of. but the future coevalss of America. â€Å"A generous parent should hold said. ‘If there must be problem. allow it be in my twenty-four hours. that my kid may hold peace. ’ and this individual contemplation. good applied. is sufficient to rouse every adult male to responsibility. †Making the settlers view every hereafter coevals of America as their really ain kids was a great manner to animate a sense of security and protection. and do them recognize what their forfeits would finally bring forth. He made his countrymen see that it would evidently be a really difficult route. but deserving every spot of attempt put forth by everyone when he said â€Å"he that stands it now. deserves the love and thanks of adult male and adult female. Tyranny. like snake pit. is non easy conquered ; yet we have this solace with us. that the harder the struggle. the more glorious the victory. †Wordss like these have a manner of transfusing a sense of pride in people who know that they are seeking to work for a common cause at a really high monetary value. Paine used these words to beef up the volitions of his countrymen and advance an firm integrity to contend for the cause that they came to this state for in the first topographic point. Likewise. he besides wrote to cons truct assurance in George Washington. He wanted to transfuse an Fe will into him when he said â€Å"Voltaire has remarked that King William neer appeared to full advantage but in troubles and in action ; the same comment may be made on General Washington. for the character fits him. †He besides wrote of the cowardliness of the Tories to hike assurance in George Washington when he said â€Å"And what is a Tory? Good God! what is he? I should non be afraid to travel with a 100 Whigs against a 1000 Tories. were they to try to acquire into weaponries. Every Tory is a coward ; for servile. slavish. self-interested fright is the foundation of Toryism ; and a adult male under such influence. though he may be cruel. neer can be brave. †Thomas Paine was a adult male who knew how to take words and explicate them into phrases that were merely every bit powerful as arms. He used three techniques to derive the support and nationalism of the settlers: comparison and contrasting. derision. and confidence-building. He was seeking to demo the settlers that they were contending to make a state of free work forces. and to go on any ties with the British would contradict all the work that already been done. and would do the lives that were already sacrificed be done in vain. Paine used his diction and phrasing in the right topographic point at the right clip. It is much to his recognition that America found its strength and stood up to contend for freedom. It might be certain actions by enemies that finally lead work forces into conflict. but it is words that fuel their motive and finding to force in front when they feel they have nil left to give.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Computer Models Show How a Black Hole Eats a Star
Computer Models Show How a Black Hole Eats a Star Were all fascinated with black holes. We ask astronomers about them, we read about them in the news. and they show up in TV shows and movies. However, for all our curiosity about these cosmic beasts, we still dont know everything about them. They flout the rules by being hard to study and detect. Astronomers are still figuring out the exact mechanics of how stellar black holes form when massive stars die. All this is made tougher by the fact that we havent seen one up close. Getting near one (if we could) would be very hazardous. No one would survive even a close brush with one of these high-gravity monsters. So, astronomers do what they can to understand them from a distance. They use light (visible, x-ray, radio, and ultraviolet emissions) that come from the region around the black hole to make some very shrewd deductions about its mass, spin, its jet, and other characteristics. Then, they feed all this into computer programs designed to model black hole activity.Computer models based on actual observational data of black holes help them to simulate what happens at black holes, particularly when one gobbles something up. What Does a Black Hole ComputerModel Show Us? Lets say that somewhere in the universe, at the center of a galaxy like our own Milky Way, theres a black hole. Suddenly an intense flash of radiation flares out from the area of the black hole. What has happened? A nearby star has wandered into accretion disk (the disk of material spiraling into the black hole), crossed the event horizon (the gravitational point of no return around a black hole), and is torn apart by the intense gravitational pull. The stellar gases are heated up as the star is shredded and that flash of radiation is its last communication to the outside world before it is lost forever. The Tell-Tale Radiation Signature Those radiation signatures are important clues to the very existence of a black hole, which does not give off any radiation of its own. All the radiation we see is coming from the objects and material around it. So, astronomers look for the telltale radiation signatures of matter being gobbled up by black holes: x-rays or radio emissions, since the events that emit them are very energetic. After studying black holes in distant galaxies, astronomers noticed that some galaxies suddenly brighten up at their cores and then slowly dim down. The characteristics of the light given off and the dim-down time came to be known as signatures of black hole accretion disks eating nearby stars and gas clouds and giving off radiation. It was, as one astronomer said, Like a black hole putting up a sign that said, Here I am!! Data Makethe Model With enough data on these flareups at the hearts of galaxies, astronomers can use supercomputers to simulate the dynamic forces at work in the region around a supermassive black hole. What theyve found tells us much about how these black holes work and how often they light up their galactic hosts. For example, a galaxy like our Milky Way with its central black hole might gobble up an average of one star every 10,000 years. The flare of radiation from such a feast fades very quickly, so if we miss the show, we might not see it again for quite a long time. But, there are many galaxies, and so astronomers survey as many as possible to look for radiation outbursts. In the coming years, astronomers will be deluged with data from such projects as Pan-STARRS, GALEX, the Palomar Transient Factory, and other upcoming astronomical surveys. There will be hundreds of events in their data sets to explore. That should really boost our understanding of black holes and the stars around them. Computer models will continue to play a large part in delving into the continuing mysteries of these cosmic monsters.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Presidents Who Were Masons
Presidents Who Were Masons There are at least 14 presidents who were Masons, or Freemasons, according to the secretive fraternal organization and presidential historians. The list of presidents who were Masons includes the likes of George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman and Gerald Ford. Truman was one of two presidents- the other was Andrew Jackson- to achieve the rank of grandmaster, the highest ranking position in a Masonic lodge jurisdiction. Washington, meantime, earned the highest possible position, that of master, and has a Masonic memorial named after him in Alexandria, Virginia, whose mission is to highlight the contributions of Freemasons to the nation. American presidents were among many of the nations most powerful men who were members of the Freemasons. Joining the organization was seen as a rite of passage, even a civic duty, in the 1700s. It also got some presidents into trouble. Here is a complete list of presidents who were Masons, drawn from the organizations own records as well as the historians who chronicled its importance in American life. George Washington Washington, the nations first president, became a Mason in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1752. He has been quoted as saying, The object of Freemasonry is to promote the happiness of the human race. James Monroe Monroe, the nations fifth president, was initiated as a Freemason in 1775 before he was even 18 years old. He eventually became a member of the Masons lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia. Andrew Jackson Jackson, the nations seventh president, was considered a devout Mason who defended the lodge from critics. Andrew Jackson was loved by the Craft. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee and presided with masterly ability. He died as a Mason should die. He met the great Masonic foe and fell calmly beneath his silent blows, it was said of Jackson at the installation of a monument on his behalf in Memphis, Tennessee. James K. Polk Polk, the 11th president, began as a Mason in 1820 and achieved the rank of junior warden in his jurisdiction in Columbia, Tennessee, and earned the royal arch degree. In 1847, he helped in a Masonic ritual of laying a cornerstone at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., according to William L. Boyden. Boyden was a historian who wrote Masonic Presidents, Vice Presidents, and signers of the Declaration of Independence. James Buchanan Buchanan, our 15th president and only commander-in-chief to be a bachelor in the White House, joined the Masons in 1817 and achieved the rank of district deputy grand master in his home state of Pennsylvania. Andrew Johnson Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, was a loyal Mason. According to Boyden, At the cornerstone laying of the Baltimore Temple some one suggested that a chair be brought to the reviewing platform for him. Brother Johnson refused it, saying: We all meet on the level. James A. Garfield Garfield, the nations 20th president, was made a Mason in 1861in Columbus, Ohio. William McKinley McKinley, the nations 25th president, was made a Mason in 1865 in Winchester, Virginia. Todd E. Creason, founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog, wrote this about the understated McKinley: He was trusted. He listened much more than he spoke. He was willing to admit when he was wrong. But McKinley’s greatest character trait was his honesty and integrity. He twice turned down the nomination for President because he felt each time that the Republican Party had violated its own rules in nominating him. He squashed the nomination both times-something a politician today would probably view as an unthinkable act. William McKinley is a very good example of what a true and upright Mason should be. Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt, the 26th president, was made a Freemason in New York in 1901. He was known for his virtue and refusal to use his status as a Mason for political gain. Wrote Roosevelt: If you are a mason you will of course understand that it is expressly forbidden in masonry to attempt to use the order in any way for anyone’s political advantage, and it must not be done. I should emphatically object to any effort so to use it. William Howard Taft Taft, the 27th president, was made a Mason in 1909, just before becoming president. He was made a Mason at sight by the grand master of Ohio, meaning he did not have to earn his acceptance into the lodge like most others do. Warren G. Harding Harding, the 29th president, first sought acceptance into the Masonic brotherhood in 1901 but was initially blackballed. He was eventually accepted and held no grudges, wrote John R. Tester of Vermont. While president, Harding took every opportunity to speak for Masonry and attend Lodge meetings when he could, he wrote. Franklin D. Roosevelt Roosevelt, the 32nd president, was a 32nd Degree Mason. Harry S. Truman Truman, the 33rd president, was grand master and 33rd degree Mason. Gerald R. Ford Ford, the 38th president, is the most recent to have been a Mason. He began with the fraternity in 1949. No president since Ford has been a Freemason.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Text Analysis 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Text Analysis 2 - Essay Example Theodore of Sykeon, 1.2). The Lord Christ accepted the plea put forward by the icons and granted St. Theodore an extension of fifteen years in life. After the icons’ imploration was accepted St. Theodore soon regained his health and was able to live the life which he nearly lost. The icons played the role of an intermediary on behalf of St. Theodore pleading to God to grant him more years of life, which was accepted. This is why the Byzantines attached great importance to icons as religious figures, as evident in their art, because of their piety and role as mediators between God and humans. This story shows how the icons’ pleading convinced God of granting more life to St. Theodore and hence, this explains the importance of icons in Byzantine. Icons were held in great respect in Byzantium due to its religious symbolism. Icons represented sacred images or symbols of saints, Christ or Virgin Mary and were constructed out of a variety of media. The icons were so pervasive in Byzantium that they were found in different sizes and forms. Icons represented religious figures and were given much admiration. It can be observed that icons occupy a central place in Byzantine Art due to their connection with religion. Icons had great religious importance because of their association with holiness and divinity. From the story of St. Theodore, it is evident that icons played a central role in bringing back the saint from the edge of death by pleading to God. So, icons portrayed religious figures who were essentially holy and sacred. By the life granted to him by God, St, Theodore continued to do many miracles. He gained the support and admiration of various people who left their homes and journeyed their way to his monastery to serve him. All those who were healed refused to go home and stayed with St. Theodore. After the workmen let the demons free from the hill, the village fell into
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Geopolitical profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Geopolitical profile - Essay Example ty to project its power across the globe and it is mainly as a result of this that it has been able to retain its influence long after falling from its superpower status. Russia is the largest country in the world with its borders stretching from northern Europe across northern Asia to the Bering Straits. As the largest country in the world, with an area of 17,075,400 square kilometres, it is one of the few countries in the world that have a diversity of natural resources, people, as well as neighbouring countries. The result is that this country has come to exert a lot of influence over a large territory as well as its neighbours for centuries. Its geographical position is unique because it allows it to wield some influence on three continents as well as being able to project itself militarily. Russia incorporates a wide range of climates and environments within its territory and these have had an effect on its historical development. Moreover, this country has borders with a diverse number of countries including China, Norway, Lithuania, Finland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the United States across the Bering Straits, among many others. The geographical position of this country has also placed it on top of the largest oil and gas reserves on the planet and this country has been able to ensure that this resource is used to further its geopolitical power over the Eurasian region. In addition to oil and natural gas, Russia has other significant resources which include deposits of timber, coal, and as well as mineral resources that have given it an advantage over other countries in the region. As the largest producer of natural gas in the world, Russia is in a unique position to determine the futures of some of its neighbouring countries, most of which were former member states of the Soviet Union. It is through its unique position as being the number one producer of natural gas, in addition to oil, that it has been able to ensure that it maintains its influence over the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Proposals Relation to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania Essay Example for Free
Proposals Relation to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania Essay In the â€Å"Proposals Relation to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,†1749, Benjamin Franklin reconciled public service, the benefits of classical learning, and the necessity of practical training for young people in the colony. Mr. Franklin discussed that knowledge helps to give honor. Not just honor to yourself for knowing what you are doing and talking about but, also an honor for your country to represent them if you were to become a part of office and have to communicate with others outside of country. Not even just to be in office but, to also become a minister or priest for a religion thanks to the studies of religious and civil morality. Thanks to their knowledge the academy will give to them they will be able to help their country in not just honoring them but, helping the citizens in the country. Due to their knowledge they will be able to give the citizens fair amounts of income, fair prices for taxes, and prayers. The men that will have this knowledge will not only be from a rich background with an abundance of money and high class families. As well as, poor background young men with little money and probably no family at all have a chance to receive an education and help their country. Then after one school is built to help young men, more and more can be built by other men with knowledge and help others get the education they once received. In this academy the students will learn similar subjects to what the modern day student learns today. Students will be taught the English language by reading some of the best authors in the 1700’s. There was Tillotson, Pope, Cato’s Letters, and etc. hould be some of the classics read. They will be taught to write with neat handwriting, swift drawing of arithmetic, accounts†¦ geometry, and astronomy. All of these can count as basic classes to help with any future job the student might want to have/achieve when they graduate. These basic classes can also help with everyday jobs, for example, directions in the stars while on a journey in the ocean or lost in the fore st (science), buying or trading goods for money (math), or even just being able to read and write a form of a constitution or charter (grammar). Benjamin Franklin also states â€Å"But art is long, and their time is short. †in paragraph 8 of â€Å"Proposals Relation to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,†1749. In the passage, the author also talks of the necessities of practical training which has to do with knowing how to handle and work on machines and the histories on machine. Something that will be taught is the machines used in wars. Men can learn to make these machines and use them. Then they can improve them in ways to make them better so they can be used when needed. The knowledge of machines can help those week men that cannot do much physical work can invent new machines to reduce labor for all men and slaves. Manufacturing companies will begin to grow in ways of money and making more of what they sell. Their money will flourish and the companies will gain power. Once the companies grow, trade will also increase which can make that country gain more money also. That is when math and grammar also come in handy. Manufacturing companies will not only flourish but, farming as well because of the farming technique they give you, to plant cash crops and even plant your own foods to eat at home. Benjamin Franklin put to rights that public service, the benefits of classical learning, and the necessity of practical training for young men in the colonies by giving them knowledge to honor and help themselves and country. Next, the students learning the basics will help with future jobs and everyday lives. Lastly, the men learn to use and invent machines by learning their histories and how they were used. These arguments should make anyone want to open up an academy and teach young men.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Greek Goddesses Essay -- essays research papers
The Greek Goddesses In Greek mythology the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus played a major role in everyday life. The Greeks respected them and thought of the gods as all mighty. In Ancient Greece the people honored and believe in the deities. Myths, poems, and epics tell the stories and beliefs referring to the gods and goddesses. Many literary works display the power and jobs of the goddesses. The Greek people lived to please the deities in hope of gaining a better lifestyle. The goddesses of Greece acted as an important part of Greek mythology ( Hamilton 28-35 ).           Historians placed the goddesses into categories. The first category included the major goddesses of Olympus. The goddesses placed in this category were Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Hestia, Demeter, and Artemis because most people knew and worshipped them. The people held these six goddesses the most high and with the most respect ( Hamilton 28 ).      Hera, the goddess of the protection of marriage, took care of married women. The sister and also wife of Zeus, the king of the gods, Hera may be the most well known of the goddesses. The Titans of the Ocean along with the Tethys raised Hera ( Hamilton 28 ). Most people knew Ilithyia , Hera’s daughter, for her help of women through childbirth. Hera held the city of Argos sacred along with the peacock and cow. In Roman mythology, the name of Hera was changed to Juno, queen of goddesses ( Pinset 20 ).      Artemis, or Diana in Roman mythology, had the role of Leto and Zeus’s daughter and also twin sister of god Apollo. Known as the goddess of wildlife and hunting, Artemis held all animals sacred, but the deer more then any other. Artemis also held the cypress tree sacred. Not many myths feature this goddess, but she lives on through the years in poems and other works ( Hunt 3 ).      Many myths from the Greeks feature Athena, or Minerva as known to the Romans. Myths say that Athena had a very original birth. Some writers have said that Hephaestus took an ax and shaved her from Zeus’s forehead and therefore she has no mother ( Pinset 22 ). Zeus thought of Athena as his favorite child and she had the privilege of using his weapons. First known as the guardian of the city and ... ... they harmed the Earth in any way that Gaea would smite them. This goddess protected the planet and so played an important role in the Greek beliefs ( Hamilton 64 ).      Hebe, the goddess of youth and wife of Hercules, maintained throughout time an image like that of a child. The Greeks thought of her as playful, sweet, kind, and trusting. Along with Ganymede, Hebe acted as a cupbearer to the Gods of Olympus ( Hunt 2 ).      The portrayal of the goddesses in many myths was that of a beautiful and majestic creature which contained many aspects to her personality. These personalities live on today through stories in the forms of poems, myths, and epic tales. Modern movies, art, and literature help to show these creations of the Greeks in powerful along with interesting ways. The goddesses of Ancient Greece impacted Greek culture in such ways that people today know the goddesses in the same aspect the Greeks did. The Greek goddesses of Mount Olympus will forever live in the literature of Greek writers along with writers of today. The importance of the goddesses to the Greeks will remain high for years to come.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Marcus Garverys Contributions
Marcus Garvey’s Contributions Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. , born August 17th 1887, also known as the â€Å"Black Moses†is one of those leaders most people are unaware of. It is a shame because he was a great man and through his actions, his beliefs, and the man he was he made many contributions to the Harlem Renaissance. Jamaican and US black nationalist leader. In 1914 Marcus Garvey along with Amy Ashwood founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). After moving to the United States in 1916, he established branches of the UNIA in New York's Harlem and many other ghettos all over the country.After moving to New York, he found work as a printer by day. influenced. At night he would speak on street corners, much like he did in London's Hyde Park. It was then that Garvey perceived a leadership vacuum among people of African ancestry. On 9 May 1916, he held his first public lecture in New York City at St Mark's Church in-the-Bowery and undertook a 3 8-state speaking tour. In May 1917, Garvey and thirteen others formed the first UNIA division outside Jamaica and began advancing ideas to promote social, political, and economic freedom for blacks.On 2 July, the East St. Louis riots broke out. On 8 July, Garvey delivered an address, titled â€Å"The Conspiracy of the East St. Louis Riots†, at Lafayette Hall in Harlem. During the speech, he declared the riot was â€Å"one of the bloodiest outrages against mankind†. By October, rancor within the UNIA had begun to set in. A split occurred in the Harlem division, with Garvey enlisted to become its leader; although he technically held the same position in Jamaica.Garvey next set about the business of developing a program to improve the conditions of those of African ancestry â€Å"at home and abroad†under UNIA auspices. On 17 August 1918, publication of the widely distributed Negro World newspaper began. Garvey worked as an editor without pay until November 1920. By June 1919 the membership of the organization had grown to over two million. On 27 June 1919, the Black Star Line of Delawarewas incorporated by the members of the UNIA, with Garvey as President. By September, it obtained its first ship.Much fanfare surrounded the inspection of the S. S. Yarmouth and its rechristening as the S. S. Frederick Douglass on 14 September 1919. Such a rapid accomplishment garnered attention from many. Garvey was black and he was proud of it. In 1920 he convened an international convention to unify blacks and encourage trade between Africa and the US. On September 10th, 1919 the British colonial secretary authorized the West Indian governments to introduce legislation to suppress The Negro World and other publications considered seditious.Perhaps Garvey’s greatest contribution to the uplifting of our people was his ability to find a formula for organizing around the African principle: the greatest good for t he greatest number. This was reflected in the first International Convention of Negro Peoples of the World in Madison Square Garden, in New York in 1920. Over 25,000 Black people from all over the world witnessed the choosing of red, black, and green as the colors of the Provisional Government. However all of Garvey's influence and power was shattered by accusations of mail fraud. Shortly thereafter Garvey was shot and killed
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personal and Professional Development Essay
1-Abstract In essence, this report will comprise three parts: first we shall be making an evaluation of current approaches to self- managed learning, second we shall be detailing in which ways lifelong learning both personal and professional might be promoted and encouraged and finally we shall be making an evaluation of the potential benefits of self-managed learning to organisations and their members but for this case with specific reference to Teagasc. 2- Introduction Every single person had one day some experience about self-managed learning in their life, or many people are having this experience at the moment in somewhere learning something by themselves. Stop for a moment and back to the past and try to remember if you have learned something that you had initiative by yourself. Did you remember something? I am sure you did, do you know why? It`s because there`s so many reasons which push ourselves to learn something and that`s why the term self-managed learning is more popular when compared with the traditional way to learn, for example going to the school every day. 3-Approaches to self managed learning Individual could learn through the research which they will be doing that could be either been issued by the university or college even at work place, people could learn different techniques used in doing the research. Formal education and schooling remain highly valued in most societies, and many educators, employers, policy-makers, and average citizens find it difficult to place high value on what is learned on your own or outside the formal system. However, some adult educators have shown how non-traditional programs, distance education, and self-directed learning efforts can meet many challenges associated with keeping current on constantly changing knowledge. Several things are known about self-managed learning and also others terms as S-DL (Self-direct learning), S-PL, LS-D, S-RL, Autonomy, learning projects, open learning etc. However there are some differences between these terms: * Knowles, (1975) describe Self- directed learning- is a process in which individuals take the initiatives, with or without the help of others * Autonomous learning – autonomy often is associated with independence of thought, individualized decision-making, and critical intelligence. Gibbs (1979) * Self-planned learning and learning projects – Tough’s (1979) research on people engaged in learning projects involved obtaining information on â€Å"a series of related episodes, adding up to at least seven hours†where â€Å"more than half of the person’s total motivation is to gain and retain certain fairly clear knowledge and skill, or to produce some other lasting change†. * Open learning – individualized study often is associated with external degree, open learning, or non traditional programs where most learning takes place outside formal classrooms- Ruvinsky (1986) * Self-regulated learning is a process that assists students in manag ing their thoughts, behaviours, and emotions in order to successfully navigate their learning experiences (Pintrich & Zusho, 2002) * Learner self-direction- is taking primary responsibility for personal learning (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991) . But in general all this terms are related to Self-managed learning what is a way which people or individual find different ways in learning things, which could be in the society where they are living or at work that is a diversified environment, Candy(1991). In other words is about individual managing their own learning. This included people taking responsibility for decisions about: * What they learn * How they learn * When they learn * Where they lean * Why they learn (the most fundamentally ) Self-managed learning also is about setting out the goals for the learning by evaluating the purpose for learning and ways to achieve such goals -Brookfield (1981).People learn new things for example the culture of different people, behaviour, personality, perceptions etc. 4-Advantages and disadvantages of Self- managed learning Some advantages and disadvantages of self-managed learning: 4.1-Advantages: * Improved the attitudes toward learning * The learners become more confident * Also they are taking greater responsibility for their own learning than during more traditional classroom activities * Create a repertoire of skills * Learn to tolerate ambiguity in expectation of themselves * Development of higher order thinking, problem solving, collaborating skills * Exploring a variety of learning styles or approaches to learning 4.2-Disadvantages: * The learner my find difficult to evaluate one`s own progress * The learner may not identify the learning needs according to his/her academic level * Some learners may not find appropriate resources for learning * Unable to get peer feedback 5-Ways in which lifelong learning in both personal and professional contexts could be encouraged The idea of lifelong education was first fully articulated in this century by Basil Yeaxlee (1929). He along with Eduard Lindeman (1926) provided an intellectual basis for a comprehensive understanding of education as a continuing aspect of everyday life. However to encourage lifelong learning is necessary Motivation, determination, managing time which is extremely important to self-managed learning. Lifelong learning is all about continuous learning personally that could contribute to the professional context. Individual could have personal assessment as means of lifelong learning by evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. For example, in the workplace employees with busy schedules can learn necessary skills at their own convenience through self-study. Some technical staff in organizations who must constantly upgrade their knowledge can access new information through an individualized resource centre. For example learning by Self-reflective learning could help employees learn new skills at work place also developing their personal skills through having work task and responsibility assigned to them. While self-reflective learning reviews things, continuing professional development, combines approaches, ideas and techniques that help to develop the personal learning. Self-reflective learning is about trying to review some opinions, judgements, personal understanding and actions that you are willing to take in a proper way and be honest about it. another example for a organization to encourage the employee taking initiative of learning something new could be giving to them a opportunity for a presentation skills where the individuals learn how to make a presentation which gives the chance to express the knowledge of what they have learnt from particular topic also give them confidence to talk in front of others, which become an advantage to the organisation when been given a task to do that need to be presented to the manager and other directors from the same company of different company. 6- Evaluation the benefits of self-managed learning to the organizations and their members In a world where there is growing pressure for increased results from fewer people, Organisations have no option but to invest heavily in learning and development. The problem is that there is not always a correlation between expenditure on training and development and pay-off for individuals and Organisations. Also individual learning may not integrate with organisational needs. Yet it is essential that individual should be helped to take on greater responsibility for their own development and growth. The key requirement, then, seems to be to create a situation where learning: * Is owned by the individual * Is properly supported And at the same time * Is closely integrated with organisations needs This what self- managed learning provides Knowles, (1975) Self-managed learning is about people taking their own initiatives in managing their learning, but the benefits of self-managing learning to the individual as well as the organisation are positive. For Teagasc and their members will be extremely important the benefits of self-managed learning. The employees will approach their learning in a way that is most compatible with their own learning style and strategy. In approaching pre-designed, structured training modules, employees can seek out those most congruent with their learning styles. Where the employee designs his/her own learning experience, they would opt for those with which they are most comfortable. There others several distinct benefits of SDL for the organization and their members: * SDL can help identify an â€Å"Organization`s â€Å"A†players- SDL requires initiative. Individuals who show initiative in undertaking their own SDL program are motivated, confident self-starters. Certainly they would evidence motivation, interest and behaviours in their jobs similar to â€Å"A†players. * SDL can be implemented with minimal expense – Many learning projects will cost nothing. Relatively speaking, project costs will be minimal. * SDL minimizes the issue of transfer of learning. 7- Conclusion After done this research in self-managed learning I could say that people are taking more responsibility when they are learning by their own initiative. Self-managed learning is not something easy, though some people tend to passive that managing their own learning through self-managing learning is an old fashion way of learning. The fact is that it’s not true, the basic requirement needed to set out the goals and meeting them is hard approach to learning. Individuals need to understand the stages for the professional development plan for the purpose of having a clear objective of what they would like to achieve from self-managing learning.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Virunga National Park Essay Essays
The Virunga National Park Essay Essays The Virunga National Park Essay Essay The Virunga National Park Essay Essay The subject I chose for my research paper in the Virunga National Park. The National park is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC ) which is located in Africa. The Virunga National Park day of the month of lettering is 1979 and was added to the endangered list in 1994. The Congo has serious economical and poverty issues. The issues that I am concerned and interested in are the mountain gorillas that inhabit the Virunga National Park. The chief issue I will be researching is the poaching of 1000s of the mountain gorillas that have been protected in the preservation. Since the Rwandan war broke out in 1994 the province of the DRC has suffered. Harmonizing to one estimation published in 2003 the war may straight and indirectly have caused the deceases of over 4 million people in DR Congo since 1996. As has become progressively common in Africa the victims were about all civilians. Because of the desolation left behind from the war the Congolese people have had to fall back to any agencies to last. some have resorted to poaching the mountain gorillas for net income. My research paper will research the preservation of the Virunga National Park and the advancement the park has accomplished therefore far. The Mining Company I work for is presently get downing a major excavation undertaking in the Congo. I have many co-workers and shut friends that have been asked to travel to the Congo and get down up the new mine. My neighbour has lived at that place now for approximately 8 months and has told me many narratives of her escapades. All of these narratives has peaked my involvement in larning more about the Congo. Mentions Conservation International. ( 2007 ) . Orphaned Baby Mountain Gorillas Rescued After Recent Slaughter in Congo. Press release retrieved October 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //web. preservation. org/xp/news/press_releases/2007/072707. xml? KNC-adwords A ; gclid=CLfKh8q_no8CFQltZQodEj5GfA U. S. Department of State. ( September 18. 2007 ) . U. S. Support to Virunga National Park and Mountain Gorillas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Retrieved October 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. province. gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2007/sep/92236. htm US Today. ( 2007 ) . Congo Rebels seize home ground for endangered gorillas. Retrieved October 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. usatoday. com/news/world/environment/2007-10-07-gorillas_N. htm
Monday, November 4, 2019
How to Send AP Score Reports to Colleges
Many high school students are eager to report their accomplishments to colleges when it comes time for college applications. For some achievements, this is easier done than others. There are places on the Common Application to report your academics recognitions and awards earned in extracurriculars. Not all achievements can be so easily reported, though. Reporting official test scores is a little more involved. Official score reports for tests like the SAT, the ACT, and even AP exams must be sent directly from the testing agency. In the case of the AP exams, this means that in order to have an official score report sent, you will need to request one from the College Board. In this post, we’ll outline the three ways in which you can have an official AP score report sent, and how to self-report your AP scores as well. The simplest and most efficient way of requesting a score report sent to your college of choice is by selecting this option on the AP answer sheet at the time of your AP exam. This is not only the easiest way to report scores, but also the cheapest way. When you take the test, you are given one free score report, but only if you request it on your answer sheet. Simply fill in the four-digit code for the school of your choice and your official score report will be sent to that college. Keep in mind that your score report is cumulative. This means that the college will receive not only the score for your most recent exam, but also your scores on any previous exams (unless you have deleted or withheld them, which we’ll discuss later). You should also know that you will have an opportunity to cancel your score report if you receive your score and decide you don’t want it sent, but you will have to pay for this service. You can also send score reports after the fact by logging into your College Board account. Simply visit the College Board login and follow the prompts to select score reports. Unlike the single score report you select on your answer sheet, online you can request multiple score reports to be sent to colleges, universities, and scholarships. Also unlike the score report option on your answer sheet, the online score report request is not free. You will pay $15 per score report for regular delivery, or $25 per report for rush delivery. Regular delivery takes 7-15 business days, while rush delivery takes 5-9 business days. Exact delivery dates will depend on the location of the score report recipient and when exactly your request is received. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. If you’re not able to request scores online or you prefer to do it by mail or fax, this option is also available to you. Simply send a signed, written request with payment to the College Board address based on your payment method. Send your requests to the address below based on your payment method: Check/money order made payable to AP Exams: The College Board, P.O. Box 21535, New York, NY 10087-1535 Credit Card payments: AP Services, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 or fax 610-290-8979 Requests that don’t require payment: AP Services, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 or fax 610-290-8979 Standard delivery of reports, which takes about 7-14 business days, costs $15 per report. Rushed delivery, which takes about 5-9 business days, costs $25 per report. According to the AP score reporting website , you will need to include the following information in your written request: If you receive a score that you do not want reported, there are two options available to you. You can either withhold your score, or delete it. Withholding a score is done on a college-by-college basis. This means that when you request to withhold a specific exam score, it is withheld only from the college specified. You can request to withhold an AP exam score by following the directions on the College Board’s AP score reporting site . Your other option is to delete your score entirely. This is the better choice if you score poorly and know that you will never want to share that score with a school. Deleting a score is permanent and irreversible, so think carefully before doing so. You can request to delete a specific AP exam score on the College Board’s AP score reporting site . Official AP score reports are most commonly used by colleges when they are considered for placement purposes or for granting college credit. More commonly, colleges will learn your AP scores through self-reporting or through your official high school transcript. Many high school transcripts now include scores on AP exams. If you aren’t sure whether yours does, you can check with your guidance counselor or request a copy of your transcript from the registrar office. If your scores are prominently displayed on your official high school transcript, it’s unlikely that a college will review an additional College Board score report, except for placement or credit purposes. In addition, there is a section on the Common Application for self-reporting AP exam scores. This section allows you to list your scores on each exam taken on a honor basis. Double-check your score for accuracy before doing so. If you misrepresent them, there are a multitude of ways in which you could be caught, and some admissions committees may assume that you misrepresented your scores with malicious intent. Some colleges actually prefer for you to self report AP exam scores rather than sending official reports or including them on a transcript. For example, at Princeton, Yale, and Harvard, official score reports are only requested for the SAT or ACT. AP scores can be self-reported on the Common Application itself. If you are accepted, you can then send one official score report for placement or credit purposes at the completion of your senior year. This should be sent to the college you’ll be attending. Ultimately, you need to know the policy at each school you apply to. If testing is optional or flexible, AP exams might be accepted in lieu of SATs or ACTs. If this is the case, you’ll likely need to submit an official score report with your application. Be sure to learn what the testing policy is at each college on your list well before applications are due.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
History Of Chanel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History Of Chanel - Research Paper Example The paper presents the products that became global icons. We could also say that the fame of the two Chanel products in the discussion was inspired by Coco Chanel's passion to reveal to the world what she loved most. These must have built the foundation for her success in the fashion industry. Channel remains to be one of the most popular industries, especially for women fashion. The company's logo alone is what women are dying to have and to be. Chanel is so popular with the fashionable young women because it arrives at every product category of the simple design of products it has. Chanel Camellia has gained so much popularity that has even been involved in beauty crà ¨me. Camellia is in Chanel skin care these days. The Hydra Beauty line is made up of Camellia Alba PFA as it stimulates optimal moisture within skin cells. Seemingly, camellia has grown so extensive not only in fashion wear but also in cosmetics. Most importantly, the company has most of the products that almost all women dream owning. These include fine handbags, fashionable dresses, and pairs of earring. Most Chanel products are also designed with so much care and creativity to an extent that it appears so responsible to what people wear. With all these, it is quite obvious that the Chanel brand will stay relevant for years to come while offering a wide range of fashion for men, women, and children. This is, therefore, a company that should be placed at the place of 'master distributors'.
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